Current projects

Current developments

Welcome to the exciting world of property development! This is where we present our latest developments.

For us, project development is always a creative task that requires a great deal of imagination. Our visionary thinking as developers is fired by a vacant plot of land, an industrial or commercial brownfield site, a gap in the inner-city landscape, a run-down listed building or an ageing existing property. At the same time, urban development aspects always play a key role. What could be built here? What fits into the surroundings? What does the location need and how can this need best be met?

When taking all of these aspects into consideration, we always focus on people. Who should fill the building with life and how? What are the needs of the future users? And how can we design the building to be flexible so that it can also adapt to the new needs of users in the long term?

These are the questions that run like a common thread through our project developments. Because we are convinced that every building must always be conceived and designed from the perspective of its users. It is the only way of ensuring that a property is filled with life in a manner that is both lasting and economically sustainable.