Social commitment: MOLITOR Immobilien
We are happy to support social projects and organisations that rely on social participation. The MOLITOR Immobilien group of companies not only creates living space and workplaces for people, but is also actively involved in projects that make people’s daily lives easier – we are happy to help.
Freundeskreis Haus St. Martin
The St. Martin House is a facility run by the Caritas Association Mainz e.V., where around 50 children, teenagers and young adults with severe multiple disabilities find a loving home. The voluntary circle of friends, with our managing director Tina Badrot as the initiator, is committed to improving the quality of life of the young residents.
Caritasverband Mainz e.V.
In Mainz, Bingen, Ingelheim, Budenheim, Bodenheim and Alzey, the Caritas Association Mainz supports and encourages people who are looking for help. The range of services is broad: people with family, social and health problems receive counselling; those seeking advice can find help in the area of care and caring relatives.
The aim of the Kinder.Gesundheit.Mainz foundation is to enable children and young people to grow up healthily, as the course for a healthy future is set at an early age.
Stiftung Mainzer Herz
The foundation, which was established in 2007, is recognised as a charitable foundation and aims to promote research and teaching and to continuously improve patient care at the Centre for Cardiology at Mainz University Hospital. This begins with prevention, i.e. the screening and prevention of these diseases, and ends with the optimal care of patients who have suffered an acute heart attack.
Stiftung Kopf-Hals
The Head and Neck Tumour Research Foundation supports innovative and outstanding projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of people with head and neck tumours.
1.FFC Rheinhessen
Der 1. FFC Rheinhessen Ingelheim 2011 e.V. ist ein Verein, der sich ausschließlich mit Mädchen- und Frauenfußball beschäftigt und die fußballinteressierten Mädchen und Frauen aus Ingelheim und Umgebung optimal fördern möchte. Aktuell gibt es drei 3 aktive Frauenteams, 2 B-Juniorinnen-Teams, 1 C-Juniorinnen-Team, 1 D-Juniorinnen-Team und ein E-Juniorinnen-Team. Ab einem Alter von 3-4 Jahren sind hier alle fußballbegeisterte Mädels herzlich willkommen.
Ingelheimer Reitverein e.V.
Our riding club is located in the heart of the red wine town of Ingelheim. Here, all age groups have the opportunity to spend the best hours together on horseback with ‘their equals’.
Kunstverein Ingelheim e.V.
Kunstverein Ingelheim – art and culture from Ingelheim and the region, a forum for all those interested in art, art enthusiasts and artists. We round off the local cultural and artistic programme and contribute to the regional and national popularity of Ingelheim. The promotion of young artists is particularly important to us.
Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Die Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft (DMSG) vertritt die Belange von Menschen, die an Multipler Sklerose erkrankt sind.
Der DMSG-Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz hat seinen Schwerpunkt in der persönlichen Beratung zu privaten, beruflichen, rechtlichen und medizinischen Fragen. Die DMSG informiert, klärt über die Krankheit auf, vertritt die Interessen der MS-Erkrankten und initiiert aktiv Forschungsprojekte.
Rheingau Musik Festival
Das Rheingau Musik Festival zählt zu den größten Musikfestivals Europas und präsentiert jährlich zwischen Juni und September mehr als 170 Konzerte im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Diese Konzerte finden an einzigartigen Kulturdenkmälern statt. Seit 35 Jahren begeistert dieses Zusammenspiel von Kultur, Natur, Musik und Lebensfreude seine Besucher.