Our trademark: Environmentally friendly construction and operation of laboratory and office space
Already in the initial building LAB 1, we developed and implemented an ambitious building concept with a view to sustainability. The sustainability features contribute to the lifespan of the property and low upfront payments for additional costs.
The modern wood-hybrid buildings with timber-frame facades and wood-fibre insulation offer a high level of CO2 storage throughout their entire service life. After their original use, the buildings can be flexibly repurposed. During mining, the wood components can be cleanly separated and used for the production of paper, furniture or heating pellets.
Environmentally friendly energy supply through geothermal energy and low-temperature surface heating
The great advantage of geothermal energy over other renewable energies such as solar energy or wind power is the fact that it is available around the clock and all year round. The stored heat energy is extracted using geothermal probes in order to achieve an optimal room temperature all year round. Geothermal energy can therefore be used for both heating and passive cooling.
Concrete core activation
The heating and cooling in the building is provided by a concrete core activation system, which basically works like underfloor heating, only from above: pipes run through the concrete ceilings, transporting warm water in winter and cold water in summer to regulate the room temperature.
Rain retention system on the roof
Rainwater retention helps to relieve the load on sewage systems and to passively cool the building.
Photovoltaic systems & wood hybrid facade
The facade of the first building will be fitted with photovoltaic systems as far as possible, thus contributing additionally to environmentally friendly energy generation. The wood fiber insulation of the hybrid facade consists of renewable raw materials and is particularly environmentally friendly. It has a negative carbon footprint.
E-mobility and solar carport systems
This modular design makes it possible to use the self-produced electricity both to charge electric vehicles and to supply electricity to the building.